

BatchNorm accelerates convergence by reducing internal covariate shift inside each batch. If the individual observations in the batch are widely different, the gradient updates will be choppy and take longer to converge.

The batch norm layer normalizes the incoming activations and outputs a new batch where the mean equals 0 and standard deviation equals 1. It subtracts the mean and divides by the standard deviation of the batch.


Code example from Agustinus Kristiadi

def BatchNorm():
    # From
    # TODO: Add doctring for variable names. Add momentum to init.
    def __init__(self):

    def forward(self, X, gamma, beta):
        mu = np.mean(X, axis=0)
        var = np.var(X, axis=0)

        X_norm = (X - mu) / np.sqrt(var + 1e-8)
        out = gamma * X_norm + beta

        cache = (X, X_norm, mu, var, gamma, beta)

        return out, cache, mu, var

    def backward(self, dout, cache):
        X, X_norm, mu, var, gamma, beta = cache

        N, D = X.shape

        X_mu = X - mu
        std_inv = 1. / np.sqrt(var + 1e-8)

        dX_norm = dout * gamma
        dvar = np.sum(dX_norm * X_mu, axis=0) * -.5 * std_inv**3
        dmu = np.sum(dX_norm * -std_inv, axis=0) + dvar * np.mean(-2. * X_mu, axis=0)

        dX = (dX_norm * std_inv) + (dvar * 2 * X_mu / N) + (dmu / N)
        dgamma = np.sum(dout * X_norm, axis=0)
        dbeta = np.sum(dout, axis=0)

        return dX, dgamma, dbeta

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